Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the greatest adventure of them all. No, not the Shrek ride at Universal Studios, I’m talking about Last Gladiator Standing III. Is everyone ready to rock and/or roll?
As we begin, let’s take a moment to meet our judges.The Henchman, with cybernetic limbs, the ability to summon demons, and a winning smile. The Henchman is the number one Number Two in the business.
Lieutenant Commander Oneida, expert hacker and the loveliest slicer and dicer this side of a galaxy far, far away. But does this warrior for good have a dark side herself? We may find out.
Now onto business. Of course we need to divide the group into teams. How shall I do this fair and equitably? How can I split these people so they have reasonably equal strengths and weaknesses on both teams? How can I do this fairly and squarely?
Screw it, first two commenters will be team captains.
Wow, I'm a team captain! I suggest we cut everyone in half and put each half on a team, then have me on a team all by myself going up against the teams of half people.
Or we could just do a school yard pick, I guess. Is that what you had in mind?
If I post twice, do I get to be both captains?
Wow, maybe I'm not as boned as I thought... Wait... That's right I have a crush on her boyfriend. I'm boned...
*whispers off screen*
What? What do you mean I'm Team Captain...
Wow... This sucks.
damn, I'm too late to be a team captain.
What now? Do I get to pick between the two cap's...sit here looking cute until one picks me?!?!
Darn! Erifia was going to be my first pick due to her sexiness...uh, I mean skill.
I pick Hotstuff. She sounds sexy.
This could be tough for the competitors!
Yes... yes... I'm shaking in my bootstraps!
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