The challenge has been cast. The gauntlet thrown down. Many have been called, few have answered and only two remain. On the planet Hacknor... On Fire Island D, brave contestants will compete. Who will falter? Who will thrive? Who will be

This is it ladies and gentlemen, the final challenge, the final countdown, the final of the final, the toughest challenge yet.
Two men (er sorta, I guess) have battled their way to get to this very spot right now. These two have overcome obstacles and trials and have persevered where others have fallen.
Will the winner be the "lady" or the paper tiger?
(We got it cheap at an estate sale. Some old dude who ran a school for wizards died and it was everything must go. As my esteemed colleague Henchman might say “Haw haw.”)
Draw a piece of paper from the hat and see what your final challenge will be.
Oh yes, by the way, like last year you are drawing for your opponent. So draw the paper and see what his challenge will be.
Sylar and Bennet, post your challenge when you draw it.
All contestants as well as judges will be judging the final round.
That is all.
Oh, Pick me! Pick me!
Everybody watch the fun!
This ought to be interesting...
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